Acronym gittifcoth
Name great tesseractifaceted cubitesseractihexadecachoron
Cross sections
Circumradius sqrt[(3-sqrt(2))/2] = 0.890446
Coordinates ((sqrt(2)-1)/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2)   & all permutations, all changes of sign
General of army tat
Colonel of regiment gittith
Face vector 64, 192, 208, 48
hedrondude   polytopewiki   WikiChoron  

As abstract polytope gittifcoth is isomorphic to stefacoth, thereby replacing pseudo octagrams by pseudo octagons, resp. querco by sirco.

Incidence matrix

64 |  3  3 |  3  3  6 |  1  3 3
 2 | 96  * |  2  0  2 |  1  1 2
 2 |  * 96 |  0  2  2 |  0  2 2
 3 |  3  0 | 64  *  * |  1  0 1
 4 |  0  4 |  * 48  * |  0  1 1
 4 |  2  2 |  *  * 96 |  0  1 1
 4 |  6  0 |  4  0  0 | 16  * *  tet
 8 |  4  8 |  0  2  4 |  * 24 *  cube
24 | 24 24 |  8  6 12 |  *  * 8  querco

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