Acronym theat
Name truncated heptagonal tiling,
hyperbolic order 3 truncated heptagonal tiling
Circumradius sqrt[(7+8 cos(π/7))/(12-16 cos2(π/7))] = 3.792295 i
Vertex figure [3,142]
wikipedia   polytopewiki

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

o3x7x   (N → ∞)

. . . | 42N |   2   1 |   1  2
. x . |   2 | 42N   * |   1  1
. . x |   2 |   * 21N |   0  2
o3x . |   3 |   3   0 | 14N  *
. x7x |  14 |   7   7 |   * 6N

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