Acronym tiggy
TOCID symbol tJ
Name truncated great icosahedron,
great truncated icosahedron
 © ©
Circumradius sqrt[(29-9 sqrt(5))/8] = 1.053292
Vertex figure [5/2,62]
General of army v3o5f
Colonel of regiment (is itself locally convex – no other uniform polyhedral members)
Dihedral angles
  • between {5/2} and {6}:   arccos(-sqrt[(5-2 sqrt(5))/15]) = 100.812317°
  • between {6} and {6}:   arccos(sqrt(5)/3) = 41.810315°
Face vector 60, 90, 32
Grünbaumian relatives:
general polytopal classes:
Wythoffian polyhedra  
hedrondude   wikipedia   polytopewiki   WikiChoron   mathworld

As abstract polytope tiggy is isomorphic to ti, thereby replacing pentagrams by pentagons.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


.   . . | 60 |  2  1 |  1  2
.   x . |  2 | 60  * |  1  1
.   . x |  2 |  * 30 |  0  2
o5/2x . |  5 |  5  0 | 12  *
.   x3x |  6 |  3  3 |  * 20


.   . . | 60 |  2  1 |  1  2
.   x . |  2 | 60  * |  1  1
.   . x |  2 |  * 30 |  0  2
o5/3x . |  5 |  5  0 | 12  *
.   x3x |  6 |  3  3 |  * 20

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