Acronym ...
Name dual of pentagonal prism,
(ex derived) pedpy variant,
o3m3o5o cell
Vertex figure [t5], [T4]
Dihedral angles
  • at long edge:   arccos[-(11+4 sqrt(5))/41] = 119.107231°
  • at short edge:   arccos[-(11+4 sqrt(5))/41] = 119.107231°
Dual pentagonal prism
Face vector 7, 15, 10
more general:
m mNo  
related Johnson solids:
general polytopal classes:
Catalan polyhedra  
wikipedia   polytopewiki   mathworld   quickfur  

The triangles {(t,T,T)} have vertex angles t = acos[(1+5 sqrt(5))/16] = 40.423604° resp. T = acos[(5-sqrt(5))/8] = 69.788198°.

Note that the term pentagonal dipyramid, although stated above, in general says nothing about the relative ratio of the to be chosen lacing edge size. Here the edge ratio is chosen such as to match their duality to the pentagonal prism.

The c edge, provided in the below description, only qualifies as pseudo edge wrt. the full polyhedron.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

co oo5ox&#zy   → height = 0
                 c = (5+3 sqrt(5))/5 = 2.341641 (tip-to-tip distance)
                 y = 1+1/sqrt(5) = 1.447214 (lacing edge size)
(tegum product of c-line with {5})

o. o.5o.    | 2 * |  5 0 |  5
.o .o5.o    | * 5 |  2 2 |  4
oo oo5oo&#y | 1 1 | 10 * |  2
.. .o5.x    | 0 2 |  * 5 |  2
.. .. ox&#y | 1 2 |  2 1 | 10

oxo3ooo&#yt   → both heights = c/2 = (5+3 sqrt(5))/10 = 1.170820
                y = 1+1/sqrt(5) = 1.447214 (lacing edge size)
(pt || pseudo {5} || pt)

o..5o..    | 1 * * | 5 0 0 | 5 0
.o.5.o.    | * 5 * | 1 2 1 | 2 2
..o5..o    | * * 1 | 0 0 5 | 0 5
oo.5oo.&#y | 1 1 0 | 5 * * | 2 0
.x.5...    | 0 2 0 | * 5 * | 1 1
.oo5.oo&#y | 0 1 1 | * * 5 | 0 2
ox.5...&#y | 1 2 0 | 2 1 0 | 5 *
.xo5...&#y | 0 2 1 | 0 1 2 | * 5

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