Acronym giship
TOCID symbol (7/3)P
Name tristrophic heptagrammic prism,
heptagrammic prism of winding number 3,
great heptagrammic prism,
great stellated heptagonal prism
Circumradius sqrt[1+1/sin2(3π/7)]/2 = 0.716257
Vertex figure [42,7/3]
Dihedral angles
  • between {4} and {4}:   180° 1/7 = 25.714286°
  • between {4} and {7}:   90°
Face vector 14, 21, 9
general prisms:
general polytopal classes:
wikipedia   polytopewiki  

As abstract polytop giship is isomorphic to hep, thereby replacing convex heptagrams with winding number 3 by heptagons. – It likewise is isomorphic to ship, thereby replacing convex heptagrams with winding number 3 by heptagrams with winding number 2.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

x x7/3o

. .   . | 14 | 1  2 | 2 1
x .   . |  2 | 7  * | 2 0
. x   . |  2 | * 14 | 1 1
x x   . |  4 | 2  2 | 7 *
. x7/3o |  7 | 0  7 | * 2

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