Acronym sided
TOCID symbol sIDE*
Name snub icosidodecadodecahedron,
 © ©
Circumradius sqrt[(2ρ-1)/(ρ-1)]/2 = 1.126898
where ρ = (cbrt[9-sqrt(69)]+cbrt[9+sqrt(69)])/cbrt(18) = 1.324718 is the plastic number, the only real solution of x3-x-1=0
Vertex figure [5/3,33,5,3]
Colonel of regiment (is itself not locally convex, but no other uniform polyhedral members)
Face vector 60, 180, 104
hedrondude   wikipedia   polytopewiki   mathworld

As abstract polytope sided is isomorphic to gisdid, thereby replacing (prograde) pentagons by prograde pentagrams, while retrrograde pentagrams keep unchanged.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


demi( .   . .    ) | 60 |  2  2  2 |  1  1  1  3
sefa( s5/3s .    ) |  2 | 60  *  * |  1  0  0  1
sefa( s   . s5*a ) |  2 |  * 60  * |  0  1  0  1
sefa( .   s3s    ) |  2 |  *  * 60 |  0  0  1  1
      s5/3s .        5 |  5  0  0 | 12  *  *  *
      s   . s5*a     5 |  0  5  0 |  * 12  *  *
      .   s3s        3 |  0  0  3 |  *  * 20  *
sefa( s5/3s3s5*a ) |  3 |  1  1  1 |  *  *  * 60

starting figure: x5/3x3x5*a

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