Acronym te
Name truncated icosiicosahedron,
compound of 10 tut
Coxeter symbol [10{;3;3}]2{3,5}
 © ©
Circumradius sqrt(11/8) = 1.172604
Vertex figure [3,6,6]
Admiral of fleet ike
Dihedral angles
(at margins)
  • between {3} and {6}:   arccos(-1/3) = 109.471221°
  • between {6} and {6}:   arccos(1/3) = 70.528779°
hedrondude   wikipedia   polytopewiki  

Triangles pairwise fall into coincident face planes. So either they can be considered separately (type A); or they are considered as (rotated) 2-triangle-compounds (type B).

Incidence matrix

(Type A)

 120 |   2  1 |  1  2 ||  1
   2 | 120  * |  1  1 ||  1
   2 |   * 60 |  0  2 ||  1
   3 |   3  0 | 40  * ||  1
   6 |   3  3 |  * 40 ||  1
 12 |  12  6 |  4  4 || 10

(Type B)

 120 |   2  1 |  1  2 ||  1
   2 | 120  * |  1  1 ||  1
   2 |   * 60 |  0  2 ||  1
   6 |   6  0 | 20  * ||  2
   6 |   3  3 |  * 40 ||  1
 12 |  12  6 |  4  4 || 10

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