Acronym stip
TOCID symbol (5/2)P
Name stellated pentagonal prism,
5-prism with winding number 2,
vertex figure of raggix
 © ©
Circumradius sqrt[(15-2 sqrt(5))/20] = 0.725530
Vertex figure [42,5/2]
Volume sqrt[25-10 sqrt(5)]/4 = 0.406150
General of army x v5o
Colonel of regiment (is itself locally convex)
Dihedral angles
  • between {4} and {5/2}:   90°
  • between {4} and {4}:   36°
Face vector 10, 15, 7
general prisms:
x f5/2o   f x5/2o   v f5/2o  
gikrid   giddird  
general polytopal classes:
Wythoffian polyhedra   segmentohedra  
wikipedia   polytopewiki   WikiChoron

As abstract polytope stip is isomorphic to pip, thereby replacing pentagrams by pentagons.

Further it also is abstractly equivalent to starpglass: in fact that one uses a point reflection, while this one uses a reflection plane orthogonal to its axis instead.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

x x5/2o

. .   . | 10 | 1  2 | 2 1
x .   . |  2 | 5  * | 2 0
. x   . |  2 | * 10 | 1 1
x x   . |  4 | 2  2 | 5 *
. x5/2o |  5 | 0  5 | * 2


both( . . . ) | 10 | 1  2 | 1 2
both( x . . ) |  2 | 5  * | 0 2
sefa( . β5o ) |  2 | * 10 | 1 1
      . β5o     5 | 0  5 | 2 *
sefa( x2β5o ) |  4 | 2  2 | * 5

starting figure: x x5o

xx5/2oo&#x   → height = 1
({5/2} || {5/2})

o.5/2o.    | 5 * | 2 1 0 | 1 2 0
.o5/2.o    | * 5 | 0 1 2 | 0 2 1
x.   ..    | 2 0 | 5 * * | 1 1 0
oo5/2oo&#x | 1 1 | * 5 * | 0 2 0
.x   ..    | 0 2 | * * 5 | 0 1 1
x.5/2o.    | 5 0 | 5 0 0 | 1 * *
xx   ..&#x | 2 2 | 1 2 1 | * 5 *
.x5/2.o    | 0 5 | 0 0 5 | * * 1

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